Saturday, 5 September 2015


As we mentioned earlier this week, we've implemented slip-streams and air currents to Scourge.
Slipstreams in the Unity Editor
This is thanks to our programmer Andy who designed and created them and our level designer Row who's built us some custom maps at the last minute.

The slipstreams are currents of air that carries away anything that enters them. In our Skyworld, both the player airships and the falling passengers can get blown away by them.

The trajectory of the falling passengers is changed as they fall through the green slipstream 
Basically, the slipstreams are a game changer for us, as they can speed up the action and provide 'channels' of play. It's cool, because with this, we can begin to provide the player with more navigational options.

We'll be putting up a new pre-alpha build once we've got a number of new features in. Until then, we'll keep updating and announcing stuff here. Keep an eye on the skies!

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