Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Playtesting And Developments!

Over the last few weeks, we've been getting great feedback from our play-testers.

While the project is generally going well, some of the little things needed tweaking before we pulled back the curtain and unveiled the Scourge prototype to the world.

This screenshot was taken during one of our latest play-testing sessions:

If you look at player two's screen (blue), you'll see a cyan beam of light in the distance. 

In response to previous player feedback, we found it necessary to make player bases stand out at a glance, so we added gigantic colourful laser lights! Since then, players have reported navigation to be somewhat smoother. It's great that their comments can help us with our iterative design. 

The next screen capture depicts Scourge at it's most exciting:

Players one, two and three (purple, blue and green) are competing to catch the falling cargo. 
player two was going well, but player one has just rammed them, knocking their precious cargo overboard.

Ironically, player one is about to be rammed by player three. 
But while all this is happening, sneaky player four has taken the opportunity to head to their base to score some points.  

For a while now, we've been designing Scourge to have action packed moments of gameplay just like this. However it's been really rewarding actually watching them emerge in-game during the 4-player play-tests.  

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